The past few months have been filled with lots of endings for me. The end of a business partnership was one of the big endings for me. today marked the clear ending of that as the final papers were signed to with the lawyers.

Although the ending has been amicable, we love each other and wish each other well in the pursuit of new Although the ending has been amicable, we love each other and wish each other well in the pursuit of new passions, it was a sad day for me and had me reflecting on all the endings that have come my way this year. Most of those endings being my limiting beliefs about myself and my life.

I feel as though in the past few months I have been decluttering my life of all the beliefs that have been weighing me down and all the distractions that have taken my attention over the past few year, and at the end of all these endings i find myself with new beginnings to look forward to. I have learned a lot working with the amazing people I have had the pleasure of hanging with, and now find myself taking all that learning and sitting on the edge of the unknown with myself. I feel that at this time it is my time to step out of the shadows and put myself forward into the light, to allow myself to shine. that has always been difficult for me, it is so much easier to be behind the scenes and let others shine…there is not as much pressure there. I have had moments of being out in the spotlight but for the most part I have been back up support. I have played small and allowed myself to not go all the way into being myself.

the past few months, with lots of endings not all of my own choosing I find the message that I am getting is that it is time for my new beginning. to introduce the world to the real me, the confident me, the me that has been growing and learning over the past 45 years and is now ready to say ” I am enough” and I am ready to shine.

As I say goodbye to the shadows and past clutter…I turn my head up towards the light, breathe deeply and know this new beginning is freedom!